Noticias Novedades indies: Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise, Super Wiloo Demake, Portal Knights, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Be...
Noticias [Act.] Anunciados Tonari ni Kanojo no Iru Shiawase ~Two Farce~ y Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi para Nintendo Switch: disponibles el 29 de agosto
Noticias Novedades indies: Georifters, Pine, Super Dodgeball Beats, The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card, Helvetii, Timespinner, Forager, Morphies Law, Mut...
Noticias Novedades indies: Catch a Duck, Garage Mechanic Simulator, Exception, Super Jumpy Ball, YU-NO, Aggelos, Cris Tales, Solo: Islands of the Heart y Tr...
Noticias Novedades indies: Hollow, Omega Labyrinth Life, Professional Farmer: Switch Edition, Ninja Battle Heroes S, Chroma Squad, Damsel, River City Girls,...
Noticias Novedades indies: Blazing Chrome, Heroland, Indivisible, Arc of Alchemist, Hoggy 2, Illusion of L’Phalcia y Mighty Switch Force Collection