Top 50 de juegos más vendidos de la semana en Japón con cifras, fechas y porcentajes (21/9/18)

Si bien hace un par de día compartimos con vosotros el listado de los 20 juegos más vendidos en Japón según Media Create, en esta oportunidad os traemos el Top 50 que incluye las fechas, cifras de ventas y porcentaje de bajada o subida con respecto a la semana anterior.
Gracias al nuevo listado notamos que Splatoon 2 ha tenido una diferencia del 2% con respecto a la semana anterior, mientras que Minecraft para Nintendo Switch ha reducido sus ventas en un 9%. También notamos que títulos como Pro Baseball Famista Evolution, My Hero: One’s Justice y Octopath Traveler se mantienen entre los más vendidos en Japón, aunque a partir del puesto 24.
Podéis ver el listado completo por vosotros mismos a continuación (con la posición del juego en la lista de la semana pasada al lado):
Otros contenidos en esta categoría:
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01./01. [PS4] Marvel’s Spider-Man # <ADV> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.09.07} (¥6.900) – 80.832 / 205.986 (-35%)
02./00. [PS4] Shadow of the Tomb Raider <ADV> (Square Enix) {2018.09.14} (¥7.980) – 32.172 / NEW
03./05. [NSW] Splatoon 2 # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2017.07.21} (¥5.980) – 14.094 / 2.618.333 (-2%)
04./04. [NSW] Minecraft <ADV> (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) – 13.479 / 277.745 (-9%)
05./00. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Drive Kit <EDU> (Nintendo) {2018.09.14} (¥6.980) – 11.659 / NEW
06./06. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) – 10.689 / 1.757.864 (-10%)
07./20. [PS4] NBA 2K19 # <SPT> (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2018.09.11} (¥7.800) – 9.536 / 13.215 (+159%)
08./02. [PS4] Winning Eleven 2019 <SPT> (Konami) {2018.08.30} (¥7.600) – 9.466 / 103.695 (-55%)
09./08. [PS4] Conan Exiles <ACT> (Spike Chunsoft) {2018.08.23} (¥6.800) – 8.528 / 68.757 (+12%)
10./00. [NSW] Undertale # <RPG> (8-4) {2018.09.15} (¥4.000) – 5.990 / NEW
11./09. [NSW] Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun! <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.07.19} (¥6.100) – 5.820 / 195.438 (-17%)
12./10. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild # <ADV> (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) – 5.809 / 1.111.535 (-11%)
13./12. [NSW] Mario Tennis Aces <SPT> (Nintendo) {2018.06.22} (¥5.980) – 5.193 / 343.600 (-16%)
14./14. [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2017.11.17} (¥4.980) – 4.830 / 1.724.983 (+1%)
15./00. [PS4] Black Clover: Quartet Knights <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.09.13} (¥7.600) – 4.630 / NEW
16./03. [PS4] Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars # <ACT> (Konami) {2018.09.06} (¥4.980) – 4.503 / 21.816 (-74%)
17./17. [3DS] WarioWare Gold <ETC> (Nintendo) {2018.08.02} (¥4.980) – 4.018 / 93.658 (+0%)
18./15. [NSW] Kirby Star Allies <ACT> (Nintendo) {2018.03.16} (¥5.980) – 3.944 / 615.182 (-12%)
19./18. [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2017.10.27} (¥5.980) – 3.859 / 1.813.146 (-3%)
20./16. [NSW] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker <ADV> (Nintendo) {2018.07.13} (¥3.980) – 3.569 / 122.376 (-18%)
21./00. [PSV] NG <ADV> (Experience) {2018.09.13} (¥5.800)
22./00. [PS4] Hitman: Definitive Edition <Hitman: The Complete First Season \ Hitman – Episode 2: Sapienza \ Hitman – Episode 3: Marrakesh \ Hitman – Episode 4: Bangkok \ Hitman – Episode 5: Colorado \ Hitman – Episode 6: Hokkaido \ Hitman: Summer Bonus Episode> <ADV> (Square Enix) {2018.09.13} (¥5.980)
23./11. [PS4] Persona 5 [New Price Edition] <RPG> (Atlus) {2018.09.06} (¥4.980)
24./21. [NSW] Pro Baseball Famista Evolution <SPT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.08.02} (¥6.100)
25./19. [NSW] My Hero: One’s Justice <FTG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.08.23} (¥7.600)
26./23. [NSW] Octopath Traveler <RPG> (Square Enix) {2018.07.13} (¥6.800)
27./00. [NSW] NBA 2K19 <SPT> (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2018.09.11} (¥7.800)
28./31. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2016.11.23} (¥2.700)
29./29. [3DS] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker <ADV> (Nintendo) {2018.07.13} (¥3.980)
30./32. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts \ Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories> \ Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX <Kingdom Hearts II \ Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ \ Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep>> <RPG> (Square Enix) {2017.03.09} (¥6.800)
31./22. [PS4] My Hero: One’s Justice <FTG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.08.23} (¥7.600)
32./36. [PS4] Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege – Advanced Edition <ACT> (Ubisoft) {2018.03.01} (¥6.000)
33./39. [PS4] Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.12.03} (¥2.400)
34./30. [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit <EDU> (Nintendo) {2018.04.20} (¥6.980)
35./25. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey Nexus <RPG> (Atlus) {2018.08.02} (¥6.480)
36./37. [NSW] Pokken Tournament DX <FTG> (Pokemon Co.) {2017.09.22} (¥5.980)
37./34. [NSW] Okami HD # <ADV> (Capcom) {2018.08.09} (¥2.990)
38./38. [PS4] Yakuza 3 <ADV> (Sega) {2018.08.09} (¥3.990)
39./40. [NSW] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze <ACT> (Nintendo) {2018.05.03} (¥5.980)
40./35. [NSW] 1-2-Switch <ETC> (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980)
41./00. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: All in One Package Ver.1-4 <RPG> (Square Enix) {2018.07.26} (¥4.800)
42./50. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 # <RCE> (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.571)
43./43. [NSW] Arms <FTG> (Nintendo) {2017.06.16} (¥5.980)
44./28. [NSW] Little Dragons Cafe <SLG> (Marvelous) {2018.08.30} (¥5.800)
45./41. [PS4] The Last of Us Remastered <The Last of Us \ The Last of Us: Left Behind> [PlayStation Hits] <ADV> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990)
46./07. [PS4] SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy <FTG> (SNK) {2018.09.06} (¥4.800)
47./48. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World [Best Price] # <ACT> (Capcom) {2018.08.02} (¥4.990)
48./26. [PS4] Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.08.30} (¥7.200)
49./47. [PS4] Detroit: Become Human # <ADV> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.05.25} (¥6.900)
50./42. [NSW] Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy DX <ADV> (Level 5) {2018.08.09} (¥5.980)