The Pokémon Company comparte el escalofriante reggae de Slowpoke en inglés

The Pokémon Company ha compartido esta misma mañana a través de su cuenta oficial de YouTube un vídeo que nos ha dejado algo… confusos.
Hace algo más de un año, la cuenta oficial japonesa de The Pokémon Company compartió un extraño vídeo en el que podíamos ver una canción reggae dedicada al pokémon Slowpoke, llamado Yadon en japonés.
El vídeo que ha compartido hoy The Pokémon Company a través de su canal es el mismo vídeo con la misma canción, sólo que ahora la podemos escuchar en inglés.
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Podéis encontrar el vídeo y la letra a continuación, y avisamos de que una vez empecéis a verlo ya no podréis parar hasta el final… ¿será una nueva técnica de control mental?
Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?Every night, you’re the oneDreams of waking with the sunBut you sleep in ‘til noon (Slowpoke)Your pink hueIs your color, through and throughI can see it’s the real you (Slowpoke)Your big mouthLike a supermarket doorOpen seven/twenty-four (Slowpoke) Your sweet tail sapIs a yummy yummy snackWe’re hungry and we want more(Slowpoke)You’re so slow, thatYour picture never blursThe speedometer concurs (Slowpoke)Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?
Lose your tail, that’s all rightIt’ll grow back somedayThat’s really cool (Slowpoke)Dopey Pokémon, theCategory they settled onToo bad for you (Slowpoke)What word starts with «S»And ends with letter «E»?It’s obviously…(Sunstroke)You fish with your tailBut you’re too slow when they biteAnd so they swim out of sight (Slowpoke)Your slow-motion roll has got a lot of soulIt’s your cruise control(Slowpoke!)Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?You yawn a single timeDown comes the rain sublimeIf the famous legend is true But you’ve been yawning all day longAnd the blue skies aren’t goneYou’ve got some explaining to doA Shellder bites your tailAnd then you become a SlowbroThat’s a dopey evolution (Slowpoke)Everywhere you goThere are Slowpoke passing throughMaybe there’s one right behind you (Slowpoke)Plodding, poky,sluggish, tardy, so late you’re early (Slowpoke)
Slow slow slowDude, what’s your deal, Slowpoke?Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?A great big Berry fellBonked you on the headBut you feel no pain (Slowpoke)Your ears curl in—there’s a reason, you saidWhat was it again? (Slowpoke)You just said «SLO»Did you feel that Berry only just now?You’re really somethin’ (Slowpoke)Someday you’ll be Slowbro, or maybe even SlowkingOr you’ll just keep bein’ (Slowpoke)Stand in a ringBite your buddy’s tail for lunchWhat a happy looking bunchSlowpoke!
Slow slow slowAh-oo what’s your story, Slowpoke?Slow slow slowSlowpoke!